Rhizome voting has begun

Attention all Rhizome members:
VOTE for the 2007-08 Rhizome web commissions now! Your vote counts. Click on any project proposal and begin your voting. You will be taken to the next project once you have voted on the first.
Do it!
click to start your voting! you know you want to
"In the first round, Rhizome members are invited to vote on each proposal to help determine whether it will progress to the second and final round. Members and a jury then rank the finalists to determine the eleven commission recipients.
This year we have made a couple changes to the voting process:
+ The actual voting tool is now integrated into the proposal web pages. This should expedite the process of reviewing the full proposals.
+ We're allowing an option for comments, so that artists can open up a discussion with the voters. Please note that the artist will be able to moderate the comments on their proposal." ~from Patrick May