
vertexlist blog is an online extension of vertexList gallery in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. The content is a collective effort of artists and curators working with vertexList. (

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Austin: Alamo Draft House

So 8 BIT made it to Texas. We screened last night at Alamo Draft House: thanks Jeff, Kelly and
Austin Museum of Digital Art!

Austin is a nice city, but there wasn't much to do during the day, so Justin and I hang out around the Texan " Brown House" which is apparently taller than its white version in Washington DC. As I was told before all men are indeed very tall in Texas and some wear cowboy hats. We checked out the Austin Museum of Art and encountered massive amounts of weird black birds.

Paul Slocum (Treewave) performed right before the screening. As usual great Commodore 64 music, this time in stereo! Paul played some brand new tracks, lots of people showed up.

Alamo Draft House is kind of a hybrid of Anthology Film Archives and Monkeytown; you can actually order food and beer while watching your movie! I loved the idea + the dinner was free;)
Good times ...



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