FAAN adoption of Aron Namenwirth's painting

FAAN adoption
"My largest painting "The Loading Dock" adopted by Miriam Cotto has been abandoned at The Rockland Independent Living Center. I was just called by Audrey Rosenfield President of the Board that they were going to put it out on the street.
I talked to Adam Simon he said, "this is the worst thing that has happened with FAAN"
this is a statement i wrote at the time of adoption-
“Loading Dock” 2001 by Aron Namenwirth
This painting was inspired by the conclusion of my art moving practice, both as performance and work. The loading dock is an archetypical destination for all material possessions that have some value but no place in the world. In depicting the painting, (a facade of three closed gates), I see a portal to all that’s abandoned. It is like the mystery curtains in the game show, “The Price is Right”. The painting was made by projecting a digital photograph, taken of a dock deep underground in the far reaches of industrial Queens, onto canvas. At the time I conceived and executed the piece, I was looking at the work of Lisa Ruyter, an artist, whose studio was across the hallway, and thinking about the epic kiosk pieces by Devon Dikeou made in the early 90’s. Some time was spent driving around the city , in a truck with Matt Bua and Eric Heist, and a few other artists who made this a living. My recent paintings have further examined the implications of digital representation and content. This work was aquired by Miriam Cotto through the Fine Art Adoption Network. www.fineartadoption.net
Special Thanks to Adam Simon who is the founder of FAAN.
After looking at the Rockland Independent Living Centers website, I can see how it is a bad fit.
Man have I had it.
If someone will adopt this painting maybe i can save it. Will negotiate transport. Call me asap 917.301.6680" Update: thanks to Adam Simons email I have 2 potential adoptees.